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Party like Gatsby or create monsters like Dr. Frankenstein. Tauche mit uns ein in die faszinierenden Welten zeitloser Meisterwerke und erlebe unvergessliche Geschichten, die schon Generationen von Leserinnen begeistert haben. Hol dir noch heute deine Ausgaben und entdecke die Schönheit und Tiefe dieser Klassiker in der Originalfassung.

Unsere English Edition bietet den vollen Genuss der Originaltexte, damit du das echte Flair und die zeitlose Schönheit der Klassiker erleben kannst. Jede Ausgabe ist mit Silberprägung veredelt und in besonders schönem Design gestaltet – und das zu einem unschlagbaren Preis! So kannst du deine persönliche Bibliothek um die großen Werke der Literatur bereichern, ohne dein Budget zu sprengen.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby

When F. Scott Fitzgerald's famous novel "The Great Gatsby" was first published in 1925, its author received raving reviews from numerous fellow writers, but it was not until the post-war decades that his masterpiece received the worldwide recognition it deserved. Poignantly and with subtle finesse, Fitzgerald tells the story of the dazzling upstart Jay Gatsby, who celebrates lavish parties on his estate in order to win back his lost love – a story about the power of great feelings and the painful failure of a romantic dream. This edition presents the grandiose classic of American literature in a special hardcover edition with silver foil embossing.

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€ 7,00 [D] inkl. MwSt. | € 7,00 [A] | CHF 10,50* (* empf. VK-Preis)
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Louisa May Alcott

Little Women Part 1 & 2

Parts I and II of the American classic in a special hardcover edition with silver foil embossing. New England in the 1860s: The sisters Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy closely stick together because their father is away as a pastor in the American Civil War and the family is not financially secure. The four very different women live through their youth with everything it offers and expects of them – boys from the neighbourhood and moralizers, theater trips and Sunday school, happiness and suffering. »Little Women« tells the story of the winding paths on which the four young women conquer their place in the world.

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€ 10,00 [D] inkl. MwSt. | € 10,00 [A] | CHF 14,50* (* empf. VK-Preis)
€ 4,99 [D] inkl. MwSt. | € 4,99 [A] | CHF 7,00* (* empf. VK-Preis)

Mary Shelley


Mary Shelley's iconic book in a special hardcover edition with silver foil embossing. The novel about the young Swiss Victor Frankenstein, who creates an artificial human being, is a rare gem of romantic horror literature: the grandiose narrative skill with which the English author turned her subject into a story that remains popular to this day makes her "Frankenstein" novel stand out far beyond most comparable novels of its era. Hardly any other classic has had as many stage adaptations and film adaptations as Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein". The text of this edition follows the 1831 revised edition.

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€ 8,00 [D] inkl. MwSt. | € 8,00 [A] | CHF 11,90* (* empf. VK-Preis)
€ 4,99 [D] inkl. MwSt. | € 4,99 [A] | CHF 7,00* (* empf. VK-Preis)

Bram Stoker


The primary vampire novel in a special hardcover edition with silver foil embossing. Count Dracula is one of the most famous literary characters in the world. Ever since the vampire novel "Dracula" by Irish writer Bram Stoker was published in 1897, it has been hard to imagine literature and film without it. The aristocratic vampire has been brought to the screen so many times that the mere mention of his name evokes a feeling of fearful anticipation. To this day, Stoker's novel about the young lawyer Harker and the demonic undead Dracula is an eerily beautiful reading experience.

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€ 10,00 [D] inkl. MwSt. | € 10,00 [A] | CHF 14,50* (* empf. VK-Preis)
€ 4,99 [D] inkl. MwSt. | € 4,99 [A] | CHF 7,00* (* empf. VK-Preis)

George Orwell


Orwell's classic in a special hardcover edition with silver foil embossing.

London, 1984: Winston Smith, a history falsifier at the Ministry of Truth, falls in love with the beautiful and mysterious Julia. Together they begin to question the totalitarian world in which they have functioned until now. George Orwell's vision of a totalitarian state, in which cyber surveillance, historical revisionism and the Thought Police determine the lives of transparent citizens, has only become more urgent to this day.

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€ 8,00 [D] inkl. MwSt. | € 8,00 [A] | CHF 11,90* (* empf. VK-Preis)
€ 4,99 [D] inkl. MwSt. | € 4,99 [A] | CHF 7,00* (* empf. VK-Preis)